Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And the ball gets rollin'

So, the first major hurdle to getting started with this new job is that I have to raise financial support and must have half of the financial support raised before I start.  At first I was freaked at this notion, a complete shocker!  But now, the more people I talk with about this venture I realize two truths: What it means to be dependent, and how dependent I am about money and that people are willing to be generous with their money when presented with a good cause and a trust worthy person.
I realize how tightly I hold my money, not because I have lots or little but because I can make it and it can bring value and worth.  When I release money as a motivator bringing worth and value I find that I am a more generous person and will value others the same way.  This means that I can break down social barriers by releasing the difference that money (have and have nots) presents.  This realization comes as our Canadian news has released figures about Canada's growing social gap between those who have and those who do not.  I must realize and be thankful today for what I have and with my new position allow myself to depend on others to assist me and this is really humbling.  I realize that this will take an adjustment, and I will not always be perfect but Lord willing I will try.  


  1. Know any accountants? Maybe an accounting company would come to the party and help you structure your venture and do the books as a donation? I'm not sure what management backing you have but this venture sounds like it needs a good financial structure in place from the start. In legal terms will it be a company (if so, what type?), a sole trading entity, a charity etc etc.

    Keeping good financial records will be important I believe. If you are ever scrutinized in the future you will be able to show where all the money came from and how it was spent. There may even be legal requirements to do this. There will probably be taxation isues to be addressed. You might get tax breaks from the government because of the type of venture this is.

    Good luck.

  2. Great advice! As Toronto City Mission is a established institution all monies are to their office and they have the charitable donation status to handle tax receipts. So, I think I should be okay with this part of it. However, I will need to keep a good handle of how money is spent when I am on the field. Thank you for your post. Warmest wishes on the day.
