Monday, September 12, 2011

Where to begin?

Yes, where to begin?  Well, today is my official start date with Toronto City Mission, an organization whose presence in Toronto's most needy and vulnerable places intends to see positive change by building community, sharing relationships and faith.  I begin my employ as a Community Worker in St. James Town.  This one square city block called St. James Town has 19 high rise and 4 low rise apartments.  It has the highest population density per area in Canada, overwhelmingly impoverished and full of hard working single families.
I have the privilege of working with youth/ children and family programming in this neighborhood and I am wonderfully excited, but woefully new to inner city work and hope to be a listener and observer first foremost.  I hope to chronicle my thoughts and impressions and if you wish you can follow along and perhaps give me insight when I lack.  I desire to be honest and frank and willing to be taught.
As I am working for a Christian organization of course I am influenced by what the Christian God has to say about poverty and justice but I also understand that we share much in common with people of other faiths and religious background, not to mention that we share our humanity and common needs.  Many people have been inspired to write, say and do wonderful things to see peace and justice come to our world and I want to be inspired by it all.
Feel free to comment, to encourage and to challenge.  Please be fair and honest.
And so now to begin...  


  1. Hi Darryl,
    I'm the first member of Darryl in the City! Best of luck in this venture. I'll pop in from time to time to see the latest news. Hope you and Lisa are doing well.
    Warm Regards
    Andrew in Oz

  2. Thank you, it is so nice to have a follower right off the bat!!! Warmest wishes to you as well.
